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SAINT JOHN'S PROGRAM FOR REAL CHANGE is a transformative residential program providing structure, mental health therapy, alcohol and drug counseling, parental education, budgeting classes, and hands-on employment training to support women and children in making real and lasting change in their lives.

Women in the Saint John’s Program spend up to 18 months on this journey of transformation, a journey filled with many stories of success. Not all will succeed, however. Entry into Saint John’s Program is limited, and each step is extremely rigorous. But those who see it through are rewarded with happy and productive lives for themselves and for their children.

All services are on-site and designed to centralize support ensuring the much needed accountability, efficiency and coordination. Saint John’s cost to move one person from homelessness to family sustainability is $14,000. That is $35,000 less than Sacramento County pays to carry a homeless individual in its system for one year. The long-term, generational and financial impact of Saint John’s “teaching them to fish” approach is immeasurable. We serve nearly 1,000 homeless women and children in a year and we do it with a $6 million operating budget. And only 30% of it comes through government sources.

Party for Change 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018